Sinh [sin] noun: Traditional Laos skirt worn by women all over the country.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

1 walk; 50 snaps

I went for a walk this evening and here's some things I saw.


  1. I love these! What a fantastic slideshow. Did you enjoy the walk?

    1. Sure did. I'm still feeling like a tourist here so everything is fascinating. That walk may have actually led me to some long term accommodation. I saw a sign, took a photo, asked my work colleague to ring them today and went to have a look this arvo. It could be a goer! (got to negotiate for a couch in the lounge but otherwise all seems good enough to live in. And no, I don't mean the "House for rent" photo above! It's not nearly that luxurious.

    2. How cool. Lot more exciting than my walk around a Melbourne CBD block yesterday, which mainly consisted of me trying to keep my hair out of my face and dodging busy worker bees. Do your colleagues give a favourable report of the area your new home is in? somewhere interesting? have you seen inside it? is the internet already connected?

  2. Thanks Julie. A bit different to our walk around Hobart. I think you should rent that fancy house. Kim

  3. Great to have a look around your town sis. Hard to beat a god massage.

  4. Hi Julie,

    i have just had a look at you photo,s. it all looks great, i will be watching carefully now that i have your blog.
    Kim Townsend.X

  5. Very exotic. Love the colourful bikes and thongs. Ummm, are you thinking of renting that house?
