Sinh [sin] noun: Traditional Laos skirt worn by women all over the country.

Monday 24 June 2013

Transport in Laos - Getting around and carrying stuff

This post is especially for my nephews and niece who might find this interesting - Lachlan, Thomas, Finn, Alanah and maybe even Joel will enjoy it too.

Here's just SOME of the ways that Lao people get around and carry stuff. Although it's a pretty quiet place really, there are lots of cars and motorbikes and tuk tuks around - especially when you are trying to cross the road and it's raining and there's no gap in the traffic!

You can see these pictures more clearly if you click on them - they should open up as a larger image.
Hope you enjoy them!

Getting a lift home from work

All the vegie carts in the car park (cart park?) at the market

Traffic on one of the main road of Vientiane

My bus on its way home
A tuk tuk

Ewww, Pooh on his motorbike seat

A truck

An electric bus

Playing his DS while getting a lift with Mum
Monks on the way back to the temple

Bikes and Tuk tuks and cars

A tuk tuk truck

lots of tuk tuks

Tuk tuks can carry whatever you want them to

peak hour on the main road
A bike on a bus


  1. what about pushbikes? and are you going to get your own transport? pushie or a scooter?

  2. yeah, still thinking about getting my own wheels. Only really poor Vientianese and tourists ride bicycles it seems! It might work for me, too. Then again work is a whole 7 km away and its a busy road...
